Roslyne Smith and myself are happy to announce that we have invited another writer to our blog, Marcello Newall!  On behalf of both Ros and I, welcome Marcello!! 

Marcello, Ros, and I have connections through Woodland Hills Church podrishoners congregation and the Not One Sparrow blog and Prayer Group.  Over time as we have all participated together in the prayer group, and began writing back and forth, I have found Marcello’s passion for the cause of animals unshakeable, his relationship with the Lord front and center of his life, and his knowledge in theological matters exceptional – it is exciting to have him bring his skill in writing and love for the Lord and the Lord’s animals, to Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog!

Following is Marcello’s bio and photo, which will also be added to the “About The Authors” page as well.  As always, thank you for following our blog, your comments are always welcome!  Join us in warmly welcoming Marcello to the blog!  ~Kathy

Marcello Newall

Biography: Marcello Newall

The third of three children, I was born in Hong Kong in 1985 to an Italian mother and English father. God used my mother to bring the gospel into our family and I grew up going to our Pentecostal church (Assemblies of God). I accepted Christ personally as a child and was baptized at an early age. At the insistence of my mother, who became a vegetarian in her youth, all three children were raised strict vegetarians from birth.

In 1999 our family moved to Italy to live in my mother’s house near La Spezia on the ligurian coast. I began going to an Italian high school and after went to Pisa University where I completed a B.A. degree in Humanities. During my university years I had been feeling an ever increasing desire to serve God and learn more about him. Through a series of events I decided to attend a discipleship school in England that lasted six months. On my return to Italy I initially had wanted to attend a Bible school but eventually ended up studying theology at university level. I recently completed my B.A. degree in Theology with a dissertation in Bioethics on Factory Farming. This year I also completed, together with my mother, a two year ministerial accreditation course with M.I.E. (Missione Italiana Per L’Evangelo) a christian missionary Society in Italy with over 300 churches.

My interest in Animal Welfare comes from a personal love for animals, my family heritage and from what I believe animals mean to God. I have so far had the pleasure of looking after multiple budgerigars, a cat, a rabbit, terapins and a duck who lived to the old age of almost 14.

I also feel a great deal of dismay at the fact that these issues seem to never be addressed in christian churches. For me it is a spiritual tragedy that there is such a small and oftentimes negative christian witness in this field: I believe this deeply misrepresents God’s character and the promise of the gospel itself. I hope and pray that God may use me in this area to help further his cause.    ~Marcello Newall.

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Kathy Dunn

My calling as a Child of the Creator is to take the Gospel, as it relates to the WHOLE creation, to the world; and to remind the Church of its Biblical responsibilities to non-human animals and the earth.


  1. October 1, 2014 at 2:44 am
    Ben DeVries

    That’s great, I’m so glad Marcello is joining you! – Ben

    • October 1, 2014 at 6:09 pm

      Thank you, Ben! We are glad to have him!

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